HYSCON Exotic mango macroplus
Always fresh In a constant and continuous manner, a perfume is released over a period of up to 90 days that neutralizes unpleasant odors. A fresh, pleasant scent that raises the high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. Always Discreet. A compact and elegant design ensures an improved image of the toilet.
Always free from unpleasant odors. Odor neutralizers destroy the bad molecules and thus facilitate the long-lasting effect of the perfumes.
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Always fresh In a constant and continuous manner, a perfume is released over a period of up to 90 days that neutralizes unpleasant odors. A fresh, pleasant scent that raises the high standard of cleanliness and hygiene.
Always fresh In a constant and continuous manner, a perfume is released over a period of up to 90 days that neutralizes unpleasant odors. A fresh, pleasant scent that raises the high standard of cleanliness and hygiene.