
HYSCON Toilet Clip - Ocean Mist
Toilet Clip - Ocean Mist
Product features:
Fresh for 30 days
Environmentally friendly.
Will not dissolve in water.
Easy to use.
10 clips / box.

HYSCON Toilet Clip - Lemon
Toilet Clip - Lemon
Product features:
Fresh for 30 days
Environmentally friendly.
Will not dissolve in water.
Easy to use.
10 clips / box.

HYSCON Urinal mat with Bio Block
Our urinal mat (or urinal screen) contains a biodegradable block. This block ensures that your urinal and drain are cleaned. The block also emits a fresh scent when used.

HYSCON Urinal screen Wave 2 - Mango
Urinal mats give your urinal a fresh scent and well-groomed appearance.
Helps reduce urinary spatter. Neutralizes odors and refreshes. Fits any urinal. Available in 8 different scents.

HYSCON Urinal screen Wave 2 - Oceaan Mist
This urinal screen releases twice as many active fragrances as compared to "look-a-likes", the urinal smells fresh for more than 30 days!

Vectair Sanitizer Quadrasan Satin
Sanitizer Quadrasan Satin: automatic cleaning & deodorizing system for urinals and commodes.

Timemist Sanitizer Virtual Janitor Chrome
Sanitizer Virtual Janitor Chrome: automatic cleaning & deodorizing system for urinals and commodes.

HYSCON Air Flow Refill - Green Apple
This air freshener in the scent Green Apple has a nice fresh scent. In a constant and continuous manner, a perfume is released for a period of up to 90 days that neutralizes unpleasant odors.

HYSCON Urinal screen 1.0 - Honey Suckle
Premium Fragrance:
Neutralizes odors and releases a premium fragrance which lasts 30 days.
No batteries required:
Functions with natural airflow.
No liquids:
The material can not break nor spill fragrance.
Environmentally friendly:
Eco-friendly, bi

HYSCON Urinal Screen Shield - Mango
The Anti-Splash Protector Shield neutralizes odors and delivers a powerful, consistent freshness.
The revolutionary design features longer protrusions on top which have an anti-splash effect that has never been seen before.
Therefore, less cleaning time

HYSCON Container waste bags roll - 65/25 x 140 cm
HYSCON Container waste bag roll - 65/25 x 140 cm
Strength: T70 LDPE
10 rolls of 10 pieces
Box of 100 pieces

Diaperchamp Nappy bucket small
Nappy bucket small
The Diaper Champ is an odorless diaper bucket. in which you can easily and safely use diapers
store away. No casettes needed but the regular trash or pedal bin bags.
The diaper goes in, turn the handle and "ready". The...